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访客3年前 (2021-09-23)网络黑客725







People who don’t study will stop thinking-Diderot


With the rapid development of my country’s economic strength and the popularization of education, the proportion of illiteracy in my country can be described as minimal. Compulsory education directly includes six years of primary school and three years of junior high school for a total of 9 years. Compulsory education in some areas has even reached 12 years. But is it really "reading" in the sense of going to school?

"Reading" is not just for scores



Some adults think that studying is for scores, to test a better elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, and finally to find a good job. They think that this is the ultimate goal of studying. It is true that there is no good material condition to talk about ideals. , Life, it seems like talking big words, but studying is not just a second time, not just getting a good score in the exam, entering a good school, and getting a good job. These are all intermediate steps, but now Most people have put the cart before the horse. They forget that reading is really for the improvement of their thinking. Reading is to see a lot of scenery, to exercise their thinking, to collide with those famous ideas, to make themselves see more. Thinking farther is to keep oneself from drifting with the crowd, not to follow others, to have a unique view of things, to let oneself see the essence of life through all things in the world, to let oneself not live in vain this time, not just for the sake of The pale "A", "B", and "C" grades on the report card.


The real "reading"



What is the real "reading"? Is it simply reading according to the words in the book? It is the mechanical memorization of the so-called formulas and the ancient poems in the endorsement. From my humble opinion, the so-called "reading" is not like this. The so-called reading is understanding and interoperability, and it is definitely not the sentence in the Chinese textbook. Look, but substituting yourself into the protagonist’s environment, to feel what happened, to think about why the protagonist did this, and what kind of results it would cause. This is what it means to read a hundred books and live a hundred flavours. , Those knowledge points and formulas in mathematics, physics, and chemistry need to be carefully felt. Everything in the world seems to have no laws, but these formulas are surprisingly full of laws. Isn't this the strangest thing in the world? Everything looks different from each other, but it satisfies a unified formula. Isn't this a manifestation of oneness? Geography, historical knowledge, and recorded events are even more treasures. Geography summarizes the laws of our life on this planet. Isn’t this also a magical thing? The events recorded in the history books are even more significant. Every event recorded in the history books is, without exception, a sensational event or a far-reaching event at that time. Isn't this a kind of luck? Isn't it a gift to be able to jump out and look at those things in a third person, to see the beginning and end of things? This is reading, the meaning of reading, to experience everything in the world.







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’s economic strength and the popularization of education, the proportion of illiteracy i

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t card._The real "reading"真正的“读书”何为真正的“读书”呢?是单纯地照着书本上的字读?是机械性地记忆所谓的公式,背书上的古诗词,以小编的拙见来看,所谓真正的“读


